Wednesday, January 10, 2024

How To Make Sunglasses Darker?

Struggling with sunglasses that just aren’t dark enough for those sunny days? Discover the ultimate guide to making your sunglasses darker, effortlessly. 

From savvy DIY tricks to professional tweaks, we’ve got all the insider tips you need to transform your shades into the perfect sun blockers.

Understanding the Need for Darker Sunglasses

Sunglasses aren’t just a fashion statement; they’re a shield for your eyes. When the sun is blazing, darker sunglasses step up to the challenge, offering more than just a cool look. 

They’re like a comfortable shade on a sunny day but for your eyes.

When to Consider Darkening Your Lenses

  • Outdoor Enthusiasts: If you’re always out in the sun, playing sports, or hiking, darker lenses are your best friend. They’re like a trusty sidekick, keeping the glare out of your adventures.
  • Driving and Water Activities: For those who drive a lot or love water sports, darker lenses are a must. They’re like a reliable co-pilot, helping you navigate through light reflections and bright conditions.
  • Light Sensitivity: If bright lights bother your eyes, darker lenses can be a soothing solution. They’re like a gentle dimmer for the world’s brightness.
  • Eye Health Conscious: If you’re mindful about eye health or have had eye issues, think of darker lenses as protective gear. They’re your first line of defense against the sun’s damaging effects.

Professional Methods to Darken Sunglasses

Consulting with an Optician for Lens Replacement

  • Expert Lens Fitting: Opticians are skilled in ensuring your new lenses are perfectly fitted, much like a tailor ensures a suit fits impeccably.
  • Customized Darkness: They can fine-tune the darkness of your lenses to your preference, akin to adjusting the brightness on a smartphone screen for optimal viewing.
  • Selection of Lens Types: Opticians assist in choosing between tinted and photochromic lenses. Tinted lenses are like sunglasses that always provide shade, while photochromic lenses adapt to light conditions, much like automatic dimming headlights in cars.

The Role of Optometric Shops in Lens Darkening

  • Eyewear Expertise: Optometric shops are akin to specialty boutiques, offering a range of options and expert advice on lens darkening.
  • Collaboration with Eye Care Professionals: They often collaborate with optometrists, combining their expertise like a chef and a sommelier pairing food and wine.
  • Diverse Lens Options: Optometric shops provide a variety of lens options, helping you find the perfect match for your needs, similar to choosing the right accessory for an outfit.

Tinted Lenses

  • Precision in Creation: Tinted lenses are made with exact measurements of dye, akin to a precise recipe in gourmet cooking, ensuring the perfect shade.
  • Consistent Darkness: These lenses offer a constant level of darkness, much like wearing a cap to shield your eyes from the sun.

Photochromic Lenses

  • Responsive to Light: These lenses adjust their darkness based on UV light exposure, similar to flowers that open and close with the sun’s intensity.
  • Versatile and Adaptive: Ideal for varying light conditions, they’re like having multiple pairs of sunglasses in one.

Professional Lens Replacement

  • Complete Lens Overhaul: Sometimes, the best option is to start anew. Getting your lenses replaced professionally is like renovating a room for a fresh, new look.
  • Ensuring Quality and Fit: This method guarantees that your sunglasses not only meet your vision needs but also fit comfortably and look great.

DIY Techniques for Darkening Sunglasses

Using Tinted Lens Kits

  • Availability: Tinted lens kits can be found easily, much like a paint set for a DIY art project.
  • Designed for Plastic Lenses: These kits work best on plastic lenses, similar to how certain paints are best for specific surfaces.
  • Instruction-Driven Process: Following the kit’s instructions is crucial, akin to following a recipe step-by-step to bake a perfect cake.
  • Careful Application: It’s important to apply the tint carefully to maintain the lenses’ quality, like painting a delicate model airplane.

Home Dyeing Methods: Steps and Precautions

  • Suitable for Non-Prescription Sunglasses: Ideal for ordinary plastic sunglasses, not unlike choosing a basic canvas for a first-time painting.
  • Dye Mixing and Heating: Mix specific dyes with distilled water and heat, similar to preparing a special potion.
  • Time-Controlled Dyeing: Submerge the sunglasses for a precise duration, much like timing a boiled egg to your preferred doneness.
  • Risk of Over-Dyeing: Leaving glasses in the dye too long can damage them, akin to overcooking a meal.
  • Variable Results: The outcome can differ based on the plastic type and lens coating, similar to how different fabrics take dye differently.

Applying Window Tint Film to Sunglasses

  • Not Recommended for Sunglasses: Using sunglasses for window tinting is like using outdoor paint for an indoor wall – it’s not suitable.
  • Optical Performance Concerns: This method can affect the sunglasses’ effectiveness, similar to how putting the wrong type of tires on a car can affect its performance.
  • Quality and Safety: For the best results, it’s advised to use methods specifically designed for sunglasses, like using the right tool for a job.

Lens Coatings and Treatments

Exploring lens coatings and treatments is like adding a protective shield to your sunglasses, enhancing their functionality and lifespan.

Scratch-Resistant Coatings for Enhanced Darkness

  • Enhanced Durability: These coatings act like a protective armor for your lenses, guarding against scratches and abrasions.
  • Maintained Optical Quality: Like a durable cover on a smartphone screen, they help preserve the lens’s clarity and darkness over time.
  • Long-Lasting Darkness: The coating ensures that the lenses retain their darkness, similar to how a topcoat preserves the color of a painted surface.

UV Coating: Testing and Importance

  • Critical Eye Protection: UV coating on sunglasses serves as a barrier, much like sunscreen for your skin, blocking harmful UV rays.
  • Testing for Effectiveness: It’s important to test sunglasses for UV protection, akin to checking the SPF level in sunscreen.
  • Universal Application: This coating can also be applied to prescription lenses, offering an extra layer of protection, just like adding a sunshade to prescription glasses.
  • Blocking Harmful Rays: Quality sunglasses should block 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays, ensuring comprehensive eye safety, similar to wearing a full-coverage hat in the sun.

Selecting the Right Lens Tint

Choosing the right lens tint is like picking the perfect sunglasses for your lifestyle, ensuring comfort and protection in various lighting conditions.

Understanding Visible Light Transmission (VLT)

  • Definition of VLT: VLT measures how much light a lens lets through, similar to how curtains control sunlight in a room.
  • VLT Percentage: A lower VLT percentage means a darker lens, much like thicker curtains block more light.
  • Importance for Activities: Knowing the VLT helps you choose the right tint for different settings, like selecting the right light setting for reading or cooking.

Choosing the Appropriate Tint for Your Needs

  • Activity-Based Selection: Consider your activities, like choosing gear for a sport. Different tints work better for different environments.
  • Versatile Tints: Grey, brown, or green tints are all-rounders, suitable for general use, akin to a favorite everyday outfit.
  • Contrast Enhancement: Yellow or orange tints are great for low light, enhancing contrast like a camera filter.
  • Polarized Lenses: Ideal for reducing glare from reflective surfaces, they work like a glare-reducing car visor.
  • Photochromic Lenses: These adapt to UV light, offering versatility like a jacket that adjusts to weather changes.

Considerations Before Darkening Sunglasses

Before embarking on the journey of darkening your sunglasses, it’s essential to weigh several factors. This process is akin to preparing for a delicate project, where understanding the materials you’re working with and the potential impacts of your actions is crucial for success.

Assessing the Material and Quality of Your Lenses

  • Material Suitability: Check if your lens material, like glass, is fit for tinting. It’s like making sure a fabric can be dyed before changing its color.
  • Existing Coatings: Consider any coatings or treatments already on your lenses. It’s similar to checking if a painted wall can be repainted without peeling.
  • Risk of Damage: Be aware that some darkening methods might harm your lenses, much like using the wrong cleaning product can damage a delicate surface.

Maintaining UV Protection and Lens Integrity

  • UV Protection Priority: Ensure that darkening doesn’t reduce your lenses’ UV protection, akin to making sure a sunscreen still works after adding a scent to it.
  • Lens Integrity: Darkening methods should not compromise the lenses’ quality. It’s like ensuring a waterproof watch remains water-resistant after customization.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider getting help from an optician or eyewear specialist. It’s like consulting an expert before making major changes to a valuable item.

Alternatives to Darkening Existing Sunglasses

Exploring sunglasses darkening alternatives is like having multiple tools in your kit, each tailored for different situations and preferences.

Purchasing a Second Pair with Desired Darkness

  • Convenience of Multiple Pairs: Owning different pairs of sunglasses is like having shoes for different activities.
  • Adaptability: A darker pair for sunny days and a lighter pair for overcast conditions offer flexibility, similar to wearing different outfits for weather changes.

Tips for Optimal Sunglass Fit and Light Blockage

  • Snug, Comfortable Fit: Sunglasses should fit well, like a comfortable hat, neither too tight nor too loose.
  • Frame Style for Coverage: Larger frames or wraparound styles provide better coverage, akin to wearing a wide-brimmed hat for sun protection.
  • UV Protection: Regardless of tint darkness, ensuring UV protection is crucial, much like choosing sunscreen based on its SPF value.


Can I darken my sunglasses at home?

Yes, you can darken your sunglasses at home using DIY methods such as tinted lens kits or home dyeing techniques. However, it’s important to be cautious and follow instructions carefully to avoid damaging the lenses.

Are there any risks involved in darkening sunglasses myself?

Darkening sunglasses at home can pose risks such as damaging the lenses or reducing their UV protection. It’s crucial to understand the materials and coatings of your lenses before attempting any DIY methods.

How do I know which lens tint is right for me?

Tinting your lenses depends on your activities and lighting conditions. For bright sunlight, darker tints like grey or brown are suitable, while yellow or orange tints are better for low-light conditions.

Do darker sunglasses offer better UV protection?

Darker sunglasses do not necessarily offer better UV protection. The level of UV protection is determined by the lens material and coatings, not by the darkness of the tint.

Is it possible to darken polarized sunglasses?

Yes, It is feasible to make polarised sunglasses darker. Using colored lenses—which can be easily adjusted to be lighter or darker depending on personal preference—is one method to do this.

Can prescription sunglasses be darkened?

Yes, It is possible to darken prescription sunglasses, yes. There are several ways to accomplish this, including employing photochromic or tinted lenses. Prescription sunglasses can be made affordably with tinted lenses, which can be produced to the appropriate darkness.

Are there sunglasses that automatically adjust their darkness?

Yes, photochromic lenses automatically adjust their darkness based on the intensity of UV light, providing convenience and continuous eye protection.


In conclusion, darkening sunglasses involves many methods. These include DIY techniques and professional adjustments. A key point still to explore is balancing lens care with the right darkness level.

Focus on two things when choosing tinted, polarized, or photochromic lenses, or when buying a second pair. First, keep the lenses’ UV protection. Second, make sure they fit well and are comfortable.


Does Wearing Sunglasses Cause Sunburn?

As we bask in the warm embrace of the sun, a common question bubbles up in our minds: does donning a pair of sunglasses lead to sunburn?

It’s a query that intertwines the simplicity of daily life with the complexity of health science. Wearing sunglasses does not cause sunburn. This might come as a surprise, considering how we often link sun protection to what we wear. 

Sunglasses, those stylish shields for our eyes, are a barrier against the sun’s glaring rays, but what about our skin? This article delves into the intriguing relationship between our beloved sunnies and our skin’s health.

Unraveling the Myth: Sunglasses and Sunburn

Common Misconceptions and Social Media Claims

The idea that sunglasses cause sunburn has spread like wildfire on social media and various online platforms. 

Despite its popularity, this claim lacks a solid foundation in science and has been effectively disproven.

The Science Behind Melanin Production and UV Exposure

Melanin, our skin’s natural defense against sunburn, is influenced by genetics and UV exposure, not significantly by wearing sunglasses. 

While sunglasses might slightly lower melanin production, their protective benefits for the eyes outweigh this minimal effect.

Melanin, Vitamin D, and Sun Exposure

The Relationship Between Melanin Production and Sunlight

  • Melanin’s Protective Role: Melanin, our skin’s natural sunblock, absorbs harmful UVB rays. This is crucial for everyone, but especially for those with darker skin, who have more melanin and need more sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D as lighter-skinned individuals.
  • Preventing Skin Damage: Beyond giving our skin its color, melanin is our frontline defense against sunburn and skin damage. It’s like a shield, reducing the risk of skin cancer caused by UV radiation. This protective role is a result of our genes and how much UV light our skin absorbs, as determined by the melanocyte-stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland.

Vitamin D Synthesis and Its Connection to Skin Protection

  • Melanin and Vitamin D Balance: While melanin is a hero in shielding us from UV damage, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. It makes vitamin D production less efficient, particularly in people with darker skin. This is because melanin competes with the process that converts sunlight into vitamin D.
  • Sunglasses and Melanin Production: When we wear sunglasses, we slightly reduce the intensity of light reaching our eyes. This can lead to a minimal decrease in melanin production. However, this effect is so small that it doesn’t significantly change our overall risk of sunburn or affect vitamin D synthesis.
  • The Bigger Picture: So, while sunglasses may tweak the melanin production process a little, they’re far from being a direct cause of sunburn or a significant barrier to vitamin D production. Their primary role is to protect our eyes from glare and UV damage, especially during activities like driving or skiing.

The Impact of Sunglasses on Skin Health (Sunburn)

Debunking the Link Between Sunglasses and Reduced Melanin

  • Myth vs. Reality: The idea that sunglasses cut down melanin production and up the risk of sunburn is just a myth. Science shows this isn’t true.
  • What Really Affects Melanin: It’s not about whether you wear sunglasses or not. Melanin production is more about your genes and how much sun your skin gets.
  • Sunglasses and Skin Around the Eyes: While sunglasses do give some shade to the skin around your eyes, they don’t stop your skin from making melanin.

Protective Measures Beyond Sunglasses for Skin Safety from Sunburn

  • Sunscreen is Key: Use sunscreen with strong sun protection on all skin that sees the sun. Remember to put more on after swimming or sweating.
  • Finding Shade: When the sun is at its peak, between 10 AM and 4 PM, try to stay in the shade or use things like umbrellas for extra protection.
  • Dress for Sun Defense: Wear hats, long sleeves, and pants to give your skin an extra layer of defense against UV rays.
  • Timing Your Sun Exposure: Stay indoors when the sun is at its strongest, usually from mid-morning to late afternoon.

Choosing the Right Sunglasses for Optimal Protection

Features to Look for in Effective UV-Blocking Sunglasses

  • 100% UV Protection: The top priority is finding sunglasses that block all UVA and UVB rays.
  • Polarization for Clarity: Polarized lenses are great for reducing glare, convenient for driving or water sports.
  • Lens Color and Vision: The color of the lenses doesn’t impact UV protection, but certain colors can make things look clearer and enhance contrast.
  • Fit Matters: Good sunglasses should fit snugly, covering your eyes and the surrounding area to maximize protection.
  • Material Quality: Look for durable materials like glass, plastic, or polycarbonate with a UV-absorbing coating for long-lasting use.

Misconceptions About Sunglass Lenses and UV Protection

  • Darkness Doesn’t Equal Protection: The darkness of the lenses isn’t a reliable indicator of UV protection.
  • Clear Lenses Can Protect Too: Even clear lenses with a UV coating can shield your eyes just as well as dark lenses.
  • Price Isn’t Everything: Expensive designer sunglasses don’t always offer better UV protection than more affordable options.

Additional Strategies to Prevent Sunburn

Importance of Sunscreen and Protective Clothing

  • Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen: Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on all skin that’s not covered by clothes. Reapply every two hours, and after swimming or sweating.
  • Cover Up: Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sunglasses, and wide-brimmed hats for extra protection.
  • Shade is Your Friend: Stay in the shade, especially during the sun’s peak hours from 10 AM to 4 PM.
  • Limit Direct Sun Time: Try to avoid long periods in the sun, particularly between 11 AM and 3 PM when it’s strongest.

Best Practices for Sun Exposure Management

  • Smart Tanning: Remember, tanning is a sign of skin damage. It’s better to enjoy the sun safely than to tan.
  • Special Care for Kids: Children’s skin is more sensitive, so make sure they’re extra protected.
  • Skin Checks: Keep an eye on your skin for any unusual changes or growths and see a doctor if something seems off.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is important, as dehydration can make you more prone to sunburn.

Expert Insights on Sunglasses and Sun Safety

Medical Professionals’ Views on Sunglasses and UV Exposure

  • UV Protection is Key: Doctors stress the importance of wearing sunglasses that block UV rays to protect our eyes.
  • Awareness Gap: A study from Jordan showed that people know UV rays are harmful, but many are unsure if their sunglasses protect against these rays. This leads to fewer people wearing protective eyewear.
  • Need for Education: There’s a big need to teach people more about how UV-protective sunglasses can prevent eye damage from the sun.

Addressing Common Myths with Scientific Evidence

  • Busting Myths: Science shows that fears like sunglasses causing skin cancer are not true. Health experts around the world say sunglasses are important to limit UV damage to the eyes.
  • Price and Culture Influence Choices: The cost of good sunglasses and what people believe about them in different cultures affect whether they wear them.
  • Spreading the Word: It’s important to clear up these misunderstandings and share the real benefits of UV-protective sunglasses for keeping our eyes healthy.


In exploring the intriguing question of whether sunglasses cause sunburn, we’ve delved into various aspects of sun safety and eye protection. 

While sunglasses shield our eyes from harmful UV rays, their effects on skin health, including melanin production and sunburn risk, are small. The key takeaway is that wearing sunglasses does not cause sunburn. 

Instead, they should be included in a comprehensive sun protection strategy that also includes sunscreen, protective clothing, and sensible sun exposure habits. By combining these measures, we can enjoy the sun safely while protecting both our skin and eyes.


Does Sunglasses Hut Price Match?

Finding the ideal pair of sunglasses may make navigating the retail offers feel like a maze. You spot them, the ideal shades that seem to whisper your name, but then your heart sinks at the sight of the price tag. 

Here’s where Sunglass Hut comes into the picture, like a beacon of hope for savvy shoppers. Yes, Sunglass Hut does the price match. 

This simple yet powerful policy is akin to having a secret shopping hack, ensuring you get the best deal without compromising on style or quality. 

We’ll break down this policy’s operation in this post, turning what could appear to be a confusing retail environment into a clear route to savings.

Understanding Sunglass Hut’s Pricing Policies

  • Location-Specific Policies: Sunglass Hut adapts its pricing strategies to different locations. This means the deals you find can vary from one store to another.
  • Coupons and Discounts: They frequently offer coupons and discount codes, providing a way to save.
  • Seasonal Sales: Look out for special sales during certain times of the year, like summer or holidays, for additional savings.
  • Competitor Strategies: Brands like Designer Optics and Pretavoir do offer price matching, showing a range of approaches in the industry.

The Reality of Price Matching at Sunglass Hut

Global Variations in Policy 

In some countries, like New Zealand and Australia, Sunglass Hut steps up to the challenge of competitive pricing. They may price match but with a catch. 

The same style and color must be available at the competitor’s store. It’s like playing a matching game but with sunglasses and prices.

Comprehensive Price Match Policy

  • Advantageous for Customers: Sunglass Hut’s price match policy stands out as a significant benefit for those seeking the best value on their sunglass purchases. This policy allows customers to receive a refund of the price difference if they discover a lower price at a different retailer within 30 days of their original purchase.
  • Policy Implementation: When a customer finds a more favorable price elsewhere, they must present the original receipt at a Sunglass Hut store to initiate the price match process.

Specific Conditions for Price Matching

  • Product Specificity: The price match is applicable only when the item in question is identical in style and color to the one purchased at Sunglass Hut. Additionally, the competing item must be currently available in stock.
  • Location Criteria: The competing retailer offering the lower price must be situated within the same shopping center or strip as the Sunglass Hut store, ensuring proximity and direct competition. It is important to note that prices from online retailers are not eligible for this price match policy.

Exclusions and Limitations of the Policy

  • Online Price Exclusion: The policy explicitly excludes price matching with online retail prices, limiting the scope to physical store competitors only.
  • Brand Exclusions: Certain high-end brands are exempt from the price match policy. These include Costa, Dior, Maui Jim, Michael Kors, Oakley, Oliver Peoples, Off-White, Ray-Ban, Tiffany, and Tom Ford, among others. This exclusion means that price differences for these brands will not be eligible for a refund under the policy.

Additional Offers and Discounts

  • Varied Discounts: Sunglass Hut’s website frequently features a range of other offers and discounts. These can include price reductions on specific brands and styles, presenting additional opportunities for customers to save money on their purchases.

Generous Return Policy

  • Extended Return Period: Sunglass Hut provides a 90-day return policy from the date of purchase. This extended period offers customers ample time to decide if their purchase meets their expectations.
  • Refund Process: In cases of returns, refunds are processed in the original form of payment, ensuring a straightforward and customer-friendly return experience.
  • U.S. Policy: How Things Are Different How about shoppers in the U.S.? Here, the waters get a bit murky. The U.S. website of Sunglass Hut doesn’t shout out about price matching. It’s like a secret not being shared openly.
  • Store-by-Store Discretion: Each store is like its own little kingdom. Some may offer price matching, while others stick to the set prices. It’s a bit like asking different teachers the same question and getting different answers.

Comparing Sunglass Hut with Other Retailers

Brands Offering Price Matching

  • Market Variety: While Sunglass Hut does not match prices, other brands like GloFX and Sunglass Outlet do.

Sunglass Hut’s Unique Selling Propositions

  • Exclusive Programs and Collection: Their Sun Perks program and unique collection of sunglasses set them apart from competitors.

How does a Return, replacement & exchange policy work for Sunglass Hut?

Sunglass Hut offers a comprehensive return, replacement, and exchange policy designed to ensure customer satisfaction. This policy allows customers to return or exchange their purchases within a generous 90-day period from the date of purchase. 

The flexibility of this policy is evident in the options provided for returns and exchanges, which can be done either by mail or in-store, accommodating the convenience of customers.

In-Store and Mail Returns

For purchases made on Sunglass Hut’s website, customers have the option to return them to any Sunglass Hut store. The return policy may differ at specific locations, such as outlets, concession stands, and airports.

The process is designed to be customer-friendly, ensuring that returning online purchases is easy and free of charge, removing any potential hassle for the customer.

How to Maximize Savings at Sunglass Hut

Utilizing the Sun Perks Program

Exclusive Member Benefits: Joining the Sun Perks program can lead to special discounts and offers, enhancing the shopping experience.

Tips for Finding the Best Deals

Strategic Shopping: To find the best deals, keep an eye out for seasonal sales, and special offers, and use available coupons and discount codes.


While the price matching policy of Sunglass Hut offers unique advantages, particularly in physical store locations, it’s important to note the exclusions and limitations, especially regarding online prices and certain brands. 

In conclusion, Sunglass Hut does provide a price match policy under specific conditions, but it’s not universally applicable. 

Customers seeking the best deals should also explore their other offers, discounts, and generous return policies to maximize the value of their purchases.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

4 Ways to Strengthen Self-esteem After Facing Rejection

We all have some negative thoughts about ourselves which can cause low self-esteem and that’s ok.  It’s normal to feel like you’re not good enough, in fact over 85% of Americans feel like they lack confidence. 

A lot of things in life can chip away at our self-image one of them is rejection.  It happened to me in middle school (and that was just the beginning)

But I’m going to share with you ways to cope and how to build positive self-esteem so you can overcome your insecurities.  

I experienced a lack of confidence in myself when my best friend singled me out. 

“You can’t hang out with us anymore because you’re not cool. ”

Angela said those words to me in front of our group of friends I felt so embarrassed, lonely, and sad! 

How could Angela say that when walked home together from school every day since the 4th grade?

The day before, we were just playing hide and seek but the moment we became 6th graders in middle school, I was no longer cool. 

I cried to the bathroom, through 5th period, and on the way home because I thought that would be the end of my social life. 

Have you ever faced rejection? 

I wish I could say rejection only happens in our younger years, but we’ll face rejection through many stages in life, love, friendships, school, work, family, and business, it’s a terrible feeling but it’s also inevitable. 

And while you can’t control how others will accept you or how they think and feel about you, you can control how you handle rejection. 

Here are 4 ways to boost your self-esteem in the face of rejection.

1. Turn to your community

Surround yourself with those who build your confidence. When I came home crying that day, my mom and sister gave me big hugs, words of encouragement, and some reasonable advice “Don’t worry, you’ll find other friends”  and “Maybe Angela is going through something, be patient with her.” 

Your community knows you best and can provide you with a perspective you probably didn’t think of.  Be thankful for this group because they can always help you start feeling good about yourself.  

2. Get Self-help Inspiration.

Where do you find inspiration? Through podcasts from Jay Shetty and Mel Robbins? Or through Simon Sinek’s books? These books will help build a mindset of gratitude and help you believe in yourself and your abilities.

While all those are some of my favorites,  I’m a sucker for a good “underdog” story and one of my favorite books is “Facing Your Giants” by Max Lucado.  The book highlights the story of David and Goliath from the Bible and how David was no match for Goliath, but having faith and being smart helped him beat the giant. 

3. Don’t think everything is about you.

Ok, remember Angela? My mom was right, she was going through something, her parents were separating and she may have taken her feelings of hurt and rejection out on me. And over the years, I’ve found that most people react to you because of something they’re going through. So don’t take it personally, sometimes it’s not even about you. 

4. Look good, feel good.

Do you have a favorite pair of jeans or a very flattering top? If they make you feel powerful, wear it. Seriously, slipping into that favorite outfit feels like stepping into your superhero suit. 

The right clothes and accessories have the superpower of making you stand a little taller, strut a bit more confidently, and flash that winning smile. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling like you can take on the world. 

That power tie, those killer heels, or even that funky pair of earrings—they all contribute to this epic ‘you got this’ vibe.  I find confidence when I wear my glasses. They serve as a shield or a cape. It makes me feel smarter and I think people take me more seriously. 

The good news is that my social life didn’t end the day Angela rejected me…in fact it forced me out of my comfort zone to find other friendships and I found a home with my new set of friendships because I was surrounded by more “like-minded” people who shared the same values and goals, but most importantly they became my community and helped me build up my self-esteem. 

The importance of having confidence

Boosting your self-esteem is like strapping on a superhero cape for dealing with rejection and disappointments. When you’ve got a strong sense of self-worth, rejection feels more like a detour than a dead end. It’s like having an inner cheerleader, reminding you that your value isn’t tied to a single outcome. 

When you find yourself faced with rejection, self-esteem acts as your shield, softening the blow. You’re less likely to take it as a personal attack or let it define your entire being. Instead, you see it as a small bump in the road, a chance to learn, grow, and pivot toward something even better.

Self-esteem helps you bounce back with a smile, knowing that your worth isn’t determined by someone else’s decision or opinion. It’s your secret weapon in the face of life’s curveballs, keeping you resilient, optimistic, and ready to conquer whatever comes your way.

If you or someone you or someone you know needs a little reminder, send this blog their way. 

And if you’re Angela, I want to thank you for helping me to grow. 


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